Is Your Sugar Addiction Actually Stress Eating in Disguise?

You likely know that your overeating of sugar and other ultra-processed foods (cookies, cupcakes, potato chips, etc) isn’t healthy. These foods contribute to inflammation and excess weight. If you’re like my clients, you’ve tried to quit eating them. And while you can resist them for a while, sooner or later you find yourself craving them. You say to yourself “I don’t care”. And, you go back to them with a vengeance – you don’t just eat one cookie, you eat an entire box. This cycle may make you wonder if you have a sugar addiction.

I’ve helped hundreds of people take control of cravings. To be able to enjoy these foods on occasion without overeating them. In working with them we’ve discovered that they don’t have a sugar addiction or addiction to ultra-processed foods. They’re stress eating. 

That’s why they can’t stop eating these foods, even though they know that they shouldn’t. Because it’s not about nutrition knowledge at this point. And, it’s not about addiction. It’s that they’re stressed.


Why Do We Stress Eat?

When we’re stressed, we have a legitimate emotional need. In stress eating, you meet your emotional need, i.e. deal with your stress, by eating. That’s why you say “I don’t care” in that moment. You do care about eating healthfully, but at that moment your emotional need is superseding your desire to eat healthfully. Stress eating provides temporary comfort and distraction from the stress. But it’s only temporary. And, in fact, it can actually cause more stress, because now on top of the stress you were already feeling, you beat yourself up for eating all that junk food. Ugh.

Common diet advice is to eat something healthy instead. You’ve seen it before – “Craving a cupcake? Have an apple instead.”

But that advice is treating the situation as if you don’t know that a cupcake isn’t healthy for you. Not true. Of course, you know that the cupcake isn’t good for you and you shouldn’t eat it. As the saying goes: “When all you’ve got is a hammer, everything looks like a nail”. In other words, if all you’re looking at is food as fuel, then the only solution you can offer is another food.


The Solution to Stress Eating

The reality is that we human beings are much more complicated than that. Food plays more roles in our lives than simply fuel for our bodies. Food has emotional meanings and cultural connections beyond meeting our body’s nutrient needs.

To fix the problem, we need to address the root cause. I.e. meeting your stress/emotional need through something other than food.

The solution is to build up your other self-care tools. It’s not about eating healthier food during a stress-eating event. It’s about taking care of yourself in a way other than eating. What some call ‘practicing other coping mechanisms’. Each person’s self-care, how they can address their stress, is unique.  What makes you feel good is going to be different from what makes me feel good.


How to Stop Stress Eating (my stress eating technique):

  1. When you’re in a good or neutral mood, write down a list of self-care actions. For example, do a sudoku puzzle, play the piano, have a bath, cuddle with your puppy.

  2. The next time that you’re stressed and craving cupcakes/chips/etc, pull out your list.

  3. Do an action from your list.


How to Prevent Stress Eating

Also, when you’re going through a stressful time. It’s important to do extra self-care, not just when you’re experiencing a craving. Prioritizing and investing the time in self-care will lessen your reliance on emotional eating. Yes, going for that walk, re-watching that favourite movie, and/or going to counselling will help you eat better when times get tough.  

 Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

Men Want Nutrition Help Too. But They Experience Barriers.


You may be surprised by how many of our clients are men. When I’m attending a networking event and sharing about our Agency, people often assume that most of our clients are women. While it’s true that women do outnumber men - it’s only by a slim margin. We’re much closer to 50%-50% than many would imagine.

In this article I share why men need help with their nutrition. What the barriers are for men to access help with their health. And, why our service method is such a good match for men’s needs.

Note: In this article I use the term “men” to reflect people who self-identify as such. I recognize that gender is a complex concept that includes both social constructs and personal identity that may or may not correlate to sex at birth.

Men Have Unhealthy Habits

According to the Canadian Men’s Health Foundation:

“72% of Canadian men have unhealthy habits, putting them at risk for chronic conditions and diseases.”

Since February is heart month, let’s look at heart disease as one example of a chronic condition. According to the Heart and Stroke Foundation of BC and Yukon, 9 in 10 people have at least 1 risk factor for heart disease. And, almost 80% of early heart disease and stroke can be prevented by lifestyle factors – such as healthy eating.

While pretty much everyone knows that healthy eating is important, only 1% of Canadians have healthy eating habits. Only 1%! And more women were amongst that 1% than men. So, less than 1% of men have healthy eating habits.

Why Men Don’t Seek Help from Health Professionals

Men are raised in our culture to power through things. Research shows that there are two main barriers to men accessing healthcare:

1. Traditional Male Gender Norms: Men may see the action of seeking help for their health as going against traditional ideas of masculinity. The need for independence and control is a masculinity norm that can present a barrier. Also, admitting that they are experiencing a health problem can feel like weakness. Admitting this vulnerability goes against traditional gender norms.

2. Lack of Convenience: This barrier has aspects that apply to all, no matter where you fall on the gender continuum. And, has an aspect that may be unique to men. Most health professionals aren’t available when you work full-time. Research shows that men often find conventional health services difficult to access due to work schedules. When forced to choose between attending a health appointment or work, research shows that men will pick work because of the traditional male gender role as the financial provider for their family.

Those two barriers have been identified in the research regarding accessing health care. When it comes to nutrition, there is an additional barrier stemming from traditional gender roles. Food and cooking has traditionally been a woman’s responsibility.

So, there are three barriers working against men taking action on their eating habits!

Change Isn’t Equal

In my personal experience, I’m seeing that things are changing. Men are starting to overcome these barriers and seek help for their eating habits. Yay! That’s the excellent news.

The bad news is that it’s not changing across-the-board. In my experience, it’s changing amongst professionals and those in the knowledge economy. What you may call white-collar jobs. Professional men are taking action regarding their health, incorporating healthy eating habits. In my experience it’s changing more slowly amongst the trades, construction, and manufacturing sectors. What you might call the blue-collar workforce. I.e. those sectors that are typically male-dominated.

I even seen this difference within the same company. The owners and management staff have healthy lifestyles. Whereas the on-the-tools workers have unhealthy eating habits.

Why Our Services Meet Men’s Needs

Because of traditional male gender roles, men often don’t want to talk with their friends and co-workers about their bodies and health. Our services are a good match for men’s needs because our services are private. We work one-to-one with you in the comfort of your own home/ office/ vehicle. No group sharing. No being seen in a crowded waiting room where you could be spotted by people who know you.

Also, we have appointments on evenings and weekends in addition to weekdays. So whether you work 9am-5pm, 7am-3pm, 7pm – 7am, etc, we have appointment times that are convenient. You don’t need to choose between taking care of your health or providing for your family.

Next Actions

Are you an employer who wants to help the men on your team overcome barriers to their health and performance? Book a call with me to discuss our workplace one-to-one nutrition counselling packages: Workplace Nutrition

Looking for nutrition services for yourself: Book a free information call and I’ll match you with the best-fit dietitian on our team:

Looking to point the men in your life towards a free resource: is evidence-based and good.

Photo by Christopher Burns on Unsplash


Canadian Men’s Health Foundation:

Heart and Stroke Foundation:

Diet Quality in Canada. 2009.

Is Your Workplace Weight Loss Challenge Causing More Harm than Good?


It’s the time of year for weight loss. Social media feeds are full of diets and 30-Day Challenges. Gyms are bursting at the seams. Many organizations are running New Year’s weight loss challenges. With weekly weigh-ins and prizes for those who lose the most weight. In this article I share why despite these organizations’ good intentions, weight loss challenges have a negative impact on health, and perhaps employee morale.

Many workplace weight loss challenges are inspired by the Biggest Loser reality TV show that started in 2004 and ran for 17 years. It made for popular TV. But is it really how best to lose weight? Not according to the scientific literature.

Impact of The Biggest Loser on Metabolism

A research study followed-up with 14 Biggest Loser contestants 6 years after they participated in the show. One participant had lost weight since the show. Five stayed at a similar weight. The remainder gained a significant amount of weight (average of 90lbs). The weight regained was fat (not muscle). What’s more important than the weight regain is the long-term impact on metabolism that participants experienced. Six years after participating on the show, participants’ resting metabolic rate was 704 ± 427 kcal/day lower (that includes both people who kept the weight off and those who regained the weight). That means that their metabolism had slowed down by 700 calories per day. In other words, they need to eat 700 calories per day less than a parson of the same weight in order to maintain their current weight. 700 calories is a lot – we’re talking a whole meal. While this is a small study, it showcases what other research has found regarding the impact on metabolism from strict calorie restriction. Since the Biggest Loser TV show has had such an impact on our culture, as the inspiration for these types of workplace “wellness” programs, I want to highlight its long-term, negative impact on the participants. Why it’s not something that you want to use as inspiration.  

Most People Regain Weight

Unfortunately, The Biggest Loser participants’ experiences aren’t unique. Their experience of regaining the weight is typical for people who go on diets/ short-term programs. Research shows that only 20% of people who initially lose 10% of their body weight, maintain that weight loss 1 year later. Only 20%! And, we’re only talking about a 10% weight loss which isn’t even all that dramatic. Definitely not Biggest Loser style. For example, if you weigh 250lbs, we’re talking losing 25lbs. Now imagine that your doctor recommended that you start taking a medication. But that the medication has an 80% chance that it won’t have any impact on your health condition that you’re looking to treat. And, if you happen to be a part of the lucky 20%, it will only have a small positive impact. Oh, and don’t forget, whether you end up being in the 80% majority or the 20% minority, the medication has life-long, life-changing, negative side-effects. If I was a betting woman, I’d bet that you’d question whether there was a more effective option.


Another problem with workplace weight loss challenges is that they assume that all participants have an equal chance of winning. This just isn’t true. For decades, the scientific literature has shown that weight isn’t as simple as calories in and calories out. In contrast, to quote from Obesity Canada “obesity is a chronic disease caused by the complex interplay of genetic, metabolic, behavioural, and environmental factors”. In other words, it’s simply not fair to pit the single, 25 year old guy with no kids against the 51 year old, post-menopausal, single mother, who had her “thrifty gene” turned on because her grandmother experienced famine. To speak frankly, in our current world where there’s an acknowledgement of the lack of even playing fields for people and focus on diversity, equality, and inclusivity, I’m shocked that these weight loss challenges continue.

Ignoring DEI. Setting people up to fail. Contributing to long-term, negative physical health impacts. I don’t think that it’s a stretch that this well-meaning employee “wellness” event has a negative impact on employee morale.  

What to To Instead of Workplace Weight Loss Competitions

So, what’s the alternative? Do nothing? In short, no. I recommend taking inspiration from established best practices and clinical practice guidelines. Current clinical practice guidelines for obesity have taken the emphasis off of weight loss as the primary measure of success. The focus now is on individualized solutions and helping people adopt long-term, healthy habits. Instead of employee weight loss competitions, create wellness programming that supports healthy habit formation. And, provide one-to-one nutrition counselling to ensure that the changes that employees are making actually support their health.

 Are you responsible for workplace wellness programming at your organization? Use this link to book a consult call with me to explore whether your workplace wellness program is up-to-date with the current scientific evidence for what promotes health. Or, let your workplace wellness committee know about us.


Photo credit: I. Yunmai on Unsplash

Workplace Weight Loss Challenge References

Fothergill et al. Persistent metabolic adaptation 6 years after “The Biggest Loser” competition. Energy Expenditure and Weight Control. 2016.

Wing and Phelan. Long-term weight loss maintenance. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2005.

Obesity Canada. Canadian Adult Obesity Clinical Practice Guidelines. Medical Nutrition Therapy Chapter. Updated 2022.

Hassapidou et al. European Association for the Study of Obesity Position Statement on Medical Nutrition Therapy for the Management of Overweight and Obesity in Adults Developed in Collaboration with the European Federation of the Associations of Dietitians.Obesity Facts.2022.

Women Leaders are Burning Out. Nutrition Can Help.

Women leaders are leaving their organizations in the highest rates in years. Why? Because they’re burnt out. The good news is that nutrition can help prevent this outcome.

Why are women leaders burning out? They take on unrecognized work to support their team members’ well-being. On top of that, women at all levels are far more likely than men to be responsible for most, or all, of their family’s housework and caregiving. Not surprisingly, they burn out.

That’s one of the findings from the 2022 Women in the Workplace study by McKinsey and Company – the largest study to date of women in corporate America. And while, yes, that’s a US study, it’s reasonable to assume that the situation is similar here in Canada.

3 Years of High Stress

Does it feel familiar? If I was a betting woman, I’d bet that you answered “yes”.

It’s certainly what we’ve seen when working with our clients. And, the dial on this extra stress has been cranked up since the pandemic started in March 2020. That’s almost 3 years of sky-high stress!

Sky-high expectations, both on the work-front and on the home-front. It’s no wonder that we’ve been seeing clients turn to stress eating as a relief valve. Digestive symptoms have worsened. Exercise has fallen so far down the mile-long to-do list that it almost never happens. Cholesterol, triglycerides, blood sugar, and blood pressure are rising.

Nutrition Can Help

It’s obvious that change is needed. And yes, nutrition can be a part of the solution. Restrictive diets and 30-day challenges offer seductive, short-term, quick fixes. And while it’s human to be drawn into doing them, the wiser part of us knows that a more practical, long-term solution is the smart answer.  

The answer, in our team’s experience, is to create practical, small changes that you can maintain. While not as sexy as the “before” and “after” photos of those diets and challenges, they create real change. Change in energy levels, change in digestive symptoms, change in focus, change in blood test results, and help in backing away from burn out. Which, in my opinion, is much sexier than another time around what I call the diet-guilt cycle. 

And research supports this too. Studies show positive health outcomes from small, sustained eating changes that result in 5-10% weight loss (even no change in weight). So much so that the newly released (December 15, 2022) position statement on the management of overweight and obesity by the European Association for the Study of Obesity states that nutrition interventions should be personalized, incorporate long-term habits, and created with help from dietitians.  

Further, through our experience with busy, working women, we know that your commitments aren’t stopping any time soon. We need to create practical ways to put your needs back on the table. Not expect you to drop everything in order to put intensive time into dramatic diet changes. Because that’s another problem with diets and short-term challenges. They only consider your needs, as if you only have your needs to consider. Ha, that’s laughable! More likely, as the US workforce study shows, you’re the glue that’s keeping your family together and your work team functioning, never mind your volunteer committees, etc.

So, what are some of the practical solutions that we create for people? I’ll share a couple of them here. Maybe they’ll be a fit for you too.

  • Pack Your Lunch When Working From Home: Do you work from home and find that you either skip lunch, or you end up grazing all day? I’ve found that 3 steps of 1) thinking of what to eat, 2) making it, and 3) eating it, can get in the way of eating a healthy lunch. A strategy that’s been successful for a number of clients has been to pack a lunch for yourself when you’re packing your kids’ lunches. That way, the steps of 1) thinking about and 2) making lunch have been moved away from lunchtime. Now all you need to do is take your packed lunch out of the fridge and eat it. While it seems silly, this can remove enough barriers that you actually eat the healthy lunch that you want to eat.

  • Have Compromise Meals: Often I see clients who want to eat healthy dinners, but feel that with their picky kiddos, they’re left with only 2 solutions: 1) either eat kid food; or 2) make 2 meals every night. Sound familiar? The answer is in the middle ground. To quote my past mentor Ellyn Satter, when it comes to making family meals “consider, don’t cater, to kids”. What does this look like? Make the dishes that you want to eat. And, include some components of the meal that your kids will eat. For example, make that lentil-vegetable stew that you love and serve it with rice and cut-up fruit or raw veggies on the side. Sure, the kids may only eat rice and fruit/ raw veggies for dinner. Simply serve your kids protein foods at other meals or snacks in the day so that their nutrition needs are met. And, you get to eat your stew that you both enjoy and that meets your nutrition needs.  


Looking for more individualized support? Use this link to book a (free) information call and I’ll match you with the best-fit dietitian on our team.

Also, I’ve been working behind-the-scenes to create a new service package for organizations to support team leaders/managers’ productivity. Tell your HR manager and have them use this link to book a phone call with me. Then I can what’s going on in your organization and they can hear about the service. That way they will have everything they need to make the right decision for your organization



Photo by LinkedIn Sales Solutions on Unsplash

Is Your Workplace Working Against Your Eating? #NutritionMonth

Is Your Workplace Working For or Against Your Eating Habits?

While I do believe in individual responsibility, we’re influenced by our surroundings. Most of us spend a lot of our time at work. If you want to eat healthy, it’s worth taking a look at whether your workplace is stacking the odds for or against you. And then doing something to change it. Because let’s face it, when we’re constantly in meetings with junky food, and everyone eats fast-food at their desks for lunch, It’s damn difficult to eat well. You and your salad in a jar stick out like a sore thumb.

I’ve influenced change in a number workplaces. I’ve learned how to make change without everyone hating you for being “the food police”. The best way that I’ve learned is to simply bring healthy, delicious food. As Ghandi so famously said: “Be the change you want to see in the world”.

What you want to stay away from is offering unsolicited feedback on what others are eating. Or, to ban unhealthy foods. My experience has been that people see this as an attack and they just dig in deeper into their unhealthy ways.

Here are some simple ways to change your work environment:

  • Bring healthy food to meetings and potlucks. My go-to foods are fresh fruit, raw veggies (maybe with dip), and raw nuts (if it’s not a nut-free workplace).
  • Bring home-grown fruits and veggies. Or, those from local farmers’ markets. People often get super-excited about these.
  • Have a bowl of fresh fruit on your desk instead of candies.
  • Start a b.y.o. lunch group. Gather in the lunchroom/ a meeting room to eat your lunches together. This will remove the temptation to mindlessly eat at your desk. And, it motivates you to pack a lunch (instead of hitting the fast-food joint).
  • Start a lunchtime walking group. Okay, this isn’t going to affect your eating habits. But getting some fresh air and movement in is healthy too.
  • If ordering food for long meetings, order a variety of herbal (non-caffeinated) teas. Place pitchers of water on the table, maybe even add some fruit or cucumber for flavor and visual interest.

I admit, when giant refined-flour muffins and those poor-quality squares are the office norm, I’ve been nervous to bring my healthy alternatives. But it never fails that people dig in to what I bring. And, almost always someone catches me later on and thanks me for bringing healthy alternatives.

People want to eat healthy. They just don’t want to do extra work, eat anything that tastes awful, or be scolded for their current eating habits.

Go ahead and start a mini food revolution :)