Meet Kaity McLaughlin, Registered Dietitian

Hi, my name is Kaity McLaughlin and I am a registered dietitian.

I help people make changes to their diet, whether it’s for general healthy eating or because of a medical condition (especially where digestion plays an important role).

Maybe you’ve just been diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), or high cholesterol and your doctor is telling you that you need to make changes to your diet.

Or maybe you’ve been dealing with digestive symptoms for a while, you want to improve your health, or eat a more plant-based diet.

You’ve been trying to make these changes on your own, everything from restrictive diets to expensive supplements, and you feel stuck.

You’re worried you have to overhaul your diet and everything is going to change. Are you still going to be able to join your family at the restaurant, eat the foods you love, or try something new without worrying how it’ll make you feel?

Over time…

I started becoming interested in agriculture and the environment. Would you believe I even worked on a farm for a bit!

I started learning to grow my own food in my community garden (I grew these tomatoes!) and following a predominantly plant-based diet.

When it comes to working with clients, I believe there is no one-diet-fits-all. Everyone is unique.

Together, we’re going to look at your medical picture, lifestyle, and habits and see where we can make some changes.

You may be thinking to yourself, ‘Where do I start?’

You start looking for solutions online and researching Crohn’s Disease and one site says you need to cut out fibre and another site says fibre is important. From your perspective, you’re wondering, “how do I know which one to follow?”

And, you realize that when it comes to your health, there is no time to guess what you need to do!

Here’s why there is so much conflicting information - your situation is unique and you need a customized plan.

Even more importantly than that, you can’t take chances with some fad diet that may or may not work. That’s why you’re going to get an evidence-based plan that is tailor-made to your lifestyle, your food tastes, and your health goals.

Simply put this means:

  1. I help you find evidence-based strategies that are specific to your needs,

  2. Help you optimize your nutrition (which means making sure you’re getting all the nutrients you need) and

  3. Help you put your goals into action.

So you may be wondering how I got here…

First off, I love food. I also love science, which is why I got my Bachelor of Nutritional Sciences from McGill University. Then, I started working as a dietitian at a clinic in Ontario seeing people of all different ages and health conditions.

I wanted to learn more about health and diseases so I went on to earn my Master’s of Public Health from the University of British Columbia. I still love talking about nutritional science and will happily nerd out with you on the latest research (but only if you ask!)

I’m a member of the College of Dietitians of BC and Dietitians of Canada. I’m still working as a dietitian at the IBD Centre of BC and BC Women’s Hospital because I love helping people eat healthier and feel better.

Food and nutrition is so much more than a way to lose weight or be healthy. It’s an important part of culture, traditions, and can also have a significant impact on the environment.

Small changes are the first step in making lifestyle habits that stick.

I can help you with:

  • Digestive health (constipation, diarrhea, bloating, acid reflux, etc.)

  • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

  • Prenatal nutrition

  • Chronic disease management (high cholesterol, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, etc.)

  • General health and wellbeing

 Where we’re located:


The Kristen Yarker Nutrition Agency Team is spread across Victoria, BC and the Lower Mainland (Vancouver). Our team offers virtual services throughout BC and select provinces across Canada.

All services are now via private and secure video call.

Living with gratitude on unceded Coast Salish Homelands.

Click HERE to book an information call so that Kristen can find out more about your situation and together, we can determine if we’re a good fit.

What is the difference between a dietitian and a nutritionist?

Check out the article here